Hiya,Jammers!It's LongSilence today!!!The new item is the lantern,sold in Outback Imports.
It's a great item to light up a dark den like the treehouse or the volcano!
Anyway,since its Friday,that makes today........(drumroll please).......FREAKY FRIDAY!!!! :P
Just look at the right side of the blog >> then scroll to where it says themed days.It will tell you the theme for each day of the week.
So,at the end of each Friday post,me (or Dream)will tell something weird or wacky that happened around AJ!Freaky and cool!
Okay,today we have the story of a Jammer being...inappropriate.I don't want to say his username because of some little reasons.Anyway,a few months ago,I saw him in Jamaa Township telling people to come to his den.I was just bored -.- ,so off I went!I went in there,and on the floor he had spelled out a curse word with welcome mats.And there was lots of other animals in there,and I could tell some of them weren't old enough to be seeing that stuff.It wasn't a small curse word,but a very bad one.Lots reported him and now he's banned...
I guess that's all for today... Happy Jamming!
What did you think of the Freaky Friday?
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