Sunday, January 19, 2014

Items, glitches, and AJ fun!

Hey Jammers!
Hope your weekend is going ok! 
Well today's new item is the pet Ice Rink

It is super adorable and popular at the moment 
while I was commenting on Animal Jam Spirit
Click Here to go to her blog!

When you put the rink in your den, 
you can click a penguin and the penguin that you click
scores a goal!

Pretty Neat?

Next is a glitch I have and its pretty annoying!
I was going into the server aldan,
you will know why by the end of this post,
and it said too full chose another.
So I chose a random server and,
it just loads, and loads, and loads
it won't take me to the server!
URG I highly dislike this glitch.. XD

I thought that you know, sometimes they let you in
even if it is full..

There is is! The loading sign...

Ok next topic!

I would like to know why everyone goes to Aldan!
Why is it so popular?
Why is always so full?
Why is it called trading central?
Why do very rare people always go to Aldan?
Comment down below!
You might get a blog shoutout!
You must put a link to your blog!

Okay Jammers...

And have a Jamaatasric day!!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snow trail shoes

Hey Jammers!
Today's new item is in the Hot Cocoa Hut!
It is the Snow trail shoes!
They are pretty cool looking, eh?

They can also come in different colors

Next, is a glitch!
This glitch is the numbers glitch!
I was jam-a-graming all my buddies
telling them I changed my username
before they go and say
I don't know a lareveur
and unbuddy me 
and this happened...

Yup.. I had to refresh because it would not let me do anything!

So my membership is back!
I bought the lion pack at aj outfitters!
I love the lion it is so adorable!

Its saturday so today is, "SILLY SATURDAY"
Comment something down below of something silly that happened to you
in Jamaa

One silly thing happened to me was when I was at the dinner party
and a bunny came up to me and said
I was like, "Sorry, i'm not your mommy"
and the bunny cried hysterical
I was like, "umm, are u ok? :L 
I was so confused...

Well that is it for today!

Bye Jammers!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Hey Jammers!
So my new user is...
now before you start to think, what the heck!
Its french for "Thedreamer"
So no blog change, sorry!!!

What do you think?

It's LongSilence with a mini post. I just posted for you guys to answer some questions...

-What should TheDreamSchool make the user of her new account? She's nonmember and wants a new account.
-What should my profile pic be?
P.S. The new user dream picks will also be the new theme of the blog (We'll have to change the background, etc. So for example if the new user is something like StarryNight then the background would be a night sky with a bunch of stars. So keep that in mind!!

By the way, anyone know what happened with snowy?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hey Everyone

Just a short post but my membership has ended!
Ski lift is the new item in Jamaa today
I will post big on the weekend!
Who likes the adventures?
I do, when your bored
just go to an adventure!
So, i need to go do homework
See you all in Jamaa,
Have a Jamaatastic day! :)
P.S. I'm changing my username
Comment ideas!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday means Monday Rare

Hey Jammers!!
Todays Monday and that Means school! XD
Just kidding, it means Monday Rare!

Today's Monday Rare is Spartan Armor and its in Jam Mart clothing
You have to flip the pages a few times, AJHQ likes to hide things.. XD

I have some things you might want to comment about.
First is about parties.

Who still goes to these parties? 
People have forgotten them, it's kind of sad! 
Comment what parties you go to and why!

Also for members, I would like to know how you are liking 
Greely's Inferno! (the adventure)

Last thing for today but, my membership is expiring!
I don't know if I should renew it, or leave it and renew it when a good 
update comes... comment down below!

So thats it for the post of today... 
Comment if there was a DE post if you want!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Snow Galore

Hi Jammers!!!!!! 

Today, I think the Snowboard helmet has come out! I have noticed that it had come to our stores to match the snow boots!! Both these items are located in Jam Mart Clothing!

Aren't they cute? They are kind of humanized but look, the snow boots look adorable on my deer!!! =DD

Don't you think?

Well it looks like AJHQ put a post on the Daily Explorer, I don't know if it was today or yesterday...
Comment down below if you know!

Here it is!! Be Safe online children!!

Okay this post has come to an end... 


Okay that is all for now jammers!!
Have A JAMAAtastic day!!


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